7 Magnificent Lighthouses Near Boothbay Harbor

Over 70 Lighthouses stand sentry over the Maine coast, and seven of them can be seen from the Boothbay Harbor Region. Once tended by dedicated lightkeepers and their families, most towers are now either automated or decommissioned. For many people the world over, however, nothing embodies the spirit of Maine like the image of the lighthouse keeping vigil along the rugged coast.

The 7 Best Lighthouses Near Boothbay Harbor

  1. Cuckolds Lighthouse, erected in 1892 off the tip of Southport Island, has welcomed thousands of vessels passing each year. The Inn at Cuckolds Lighthouse allows visitors to view the inside of this magnificent lighthouse near Boothbay Harbor.
  2. Burnt Island Light is the most visible lighthouse near Boothbay Harbor. Built in 1821, its red light is visible for 12 miles, and its foghorn can be heard throughout the harbor. Living History Tours are available in season, with the roles of former lightkeeper and his family played by local actors & historians.
  3. Hendricks Head Light in Southport was built in 1829 off the tip of Southport. Its 43-foot tower is small compared to many, is no longer operational, and is now privately owned, but it is still breathtaking and easily visible from the beach.
  4. Ram Island Light in Boothbay is only 36 feet above mean high tide, but its light can be seen for 13 miles. There’s a great view from Grimes Cove at Ocean Point, but the light is best seen from a boat passing between Ram and Fisherman’s Island.
  5. Sequin Light, Georgetown, is Maine’s second oldest lighthouse, built in 1795, and its highest, at 180 feet above mean tide. It can only be seen by boat.
  6. Pemaquid Point Light, Bristol, sits atop a magnificent outcropping of igneous rock that tumbles down into the sea for hundreds of yards from the light. Built in 1827, it is so quintessentially Maine that it was chosen as the image for the Maine state quarter. The former light keeper’s house serves as a fisherman’s museum. This lighthouse is well worth the 45-minute drive from Boothbay.
  7. Monhegan Island Light, Monhegan Island, was built in 1824, at the site of a 1614 fishing settlement. Look for an excursion from Boothbay Harbor to get you there.

Staying near Lighthouses in Maine

A group of local citizens is working together to restore the Cuckolds light. For more information on the project and how you can help, visit the Cuckolds website. To view the lighthouse when you are in Boothbay Harbor, visit us at Newagen Seaside Inn for a nice view from the coast, or we would be happy to show you the town landing where the view of the Cuckolds, surrounding islands, and Maine coast is magnificent.